In 1906, English neurophysiologist Charles Scott Sherrington published a series of lectures collectively titled The Integrative Action of the Nervous System, in which, he introduced the study of proprioception. Proprioception is concerned with the ways a body moves through a space in relation to itself. Looking beyond the 5 senses of touch, sight, smell, taste and sound, proprioception explores the innate and instinctive knowledge that the body has of its own movements. In applying the theory towards a larger understanding of extended space, we can ask how humans move through something as complex as a landscape? How might we hybridize our senses to understand a landscape that is unfamiliar to us?
With a self-imposed limit of five minutes, during each trip away from my home, I set out to discover the land around me through the employment of my most innate senses. Each photograph is identified only by the date that it was taken. Location details are never provided.

perfect bound
10″ x 8″ / 76 pages, 54 black and white images
ISBN-13: 978-0-9847509-2-4
perfect bound
10″ x 8″ / 76 pages, 54 black and white images
ISBN-13: 978-0-9847509-2-4
photographs: Alexandra Silverthorne
writings: Alexandra Silverthorne
essay: Jayme McLellan
conversation: Rebecca Duclos
printed by Blurb (San Francisco, CA)
harmon art lab – Washington, DC (2011)
College of Southern Maryland – La Plata, MD (2015)
Echolilia (Timothy Archibald); Little History of Photography (Walter Benjamin); A New Refutation of Time (Jorge Luis Borges); Haunted Houses (Corinne Botz); Brassai; Gregory Crewdson; Yoga for People Who Can’t Be Bothered To Do It (Geoff Dyer); Alixandra Fazzina; Living with the Enemy: Domestic Violence (Donna Ferrato); Jean Genet; Nicaragua: Why I Had to Go There (June Jordan); Andre Kertesz; Henri Matisse; Henri Michaux; Voces (Antonio Porchia); Man Ray; Dark Rooms (David K. Ross); Ralph Rugoff; The Integrative Action of the Nervous System (Charles Scott Sherrington); Theaters (Hiroshi Sugimoto); Space and Place: The Perspective of Experience (Yi-Fu Tuan); Weegee; Night Light: Brassai and Weegee (Colin Westerback)
~ Indie Photobook Library (2012)
~ ART(202) Journal: 32 Under 32 (2010)
~ Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library, New Haven, CT
~ Cleveland Institute of Art Book Collection, Cleveland, OH
~ Maine College of Art & Design Special Collections, Portland, ME